* My Superior Court Appeal. What happened to it? see the set up
* Private criminal complaint filed in District Attorney Dave Gorman’s office against Judge Hiram Carpenter. Mr. Gorman dismissed the complaint citing policy trumps law and civil rights while Mr. Carpenter enjoys absolute judicial immunity from the crimes that he committed from the bench. Notice how Mr. Gorman vilifies the victim to vindicate the criminal. ( see private criminal complaint and DA’s dismissal ). pdf format
* Private criminal complaint filed in District Attorney Dave Gorman’s office against Judge Carpenter’s court reporter Sally Zeek. Mr. Gorman fraudulently dismissed the complaint citing she enjoys judicial immunity from prosecution by virtue of Mr. Carpenter’s judicial immunity. Notice how Mr. Gorman vilifies the victim to vindicate the criminal. ( see private criminal complaint and DA’s dismissal ).
* Private criminal complaint filed in District Attorney Dave Gorman’s office against Judge Hiram Carpenter’s court reporter Brenda Prosser. Mr. Gorman fraudulently dismissed the complaint citing she enjoys judicial immunity from prosecution by virtue of Mr. Carpenter’s judicial immunity. Notice how Mr. Gorman vilifies the victim to vindicate the criminal. ( see private criminal complaint and DA’s dismissal ).
* Private criminal complaint filed against Anthony Zanoni, Esq. for deliberately botching and quashing Superior Court appeal and theft of clients funds. Mr. Gorman disingenuously dismissed the complaint citing the complaint is a matter for private civil litigation. ( see private criminal complaint and DA’s dismissal ).
* Private criminal complaint filed against Beverly Mears, Esq. Guardian Ad Litem, for emotional abuse of her child client and conspiring with Attorney Anthony Zanoni to destroy the Superior Court appeal that would have judicially exposed Judge Carpenter’s crimes. Mr. Gorman’s disingenuously dismissed the complaint citing the complaint is a matter for private civil litigation. ( see private criminal complaint and DA’s dismissal ).
* Complaints filed with the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs. In a period of one year, numerous Blair County residents filed ethics complaints against Dr. Nancy Baker, psychologist and court evaluator. At least two were filed by attorneys. (note: the bureau admitted on ____that multiple complaints were filed against Dr. Nancy Baker), During an interview with bureau investigator Lewin Wicks I was told that he collected thousands of documents from the Blair County courthouse concerning Dr. Baker and built a case that the bureau couldn’t refuse. Ergo, it took the licensing bureau four years to make a sham determination (a cover up) that Dr. Baker violated no code of ethics. ( see complaints and response letters of dismissal ). See what other people were saying and doing about Dr. Nancy Baker 1 2 3 4.
* Form complaint filed with the American Civil Liberties Union. ( see complaint and response letter ).
* Complaints filed with the United States Department Of Justice. complaints and response letters ). 1 2 3 4 5, JAN 7, O4 ( no response)
* Complaint filed with the Pennsylvania State Attorney General, Mike Fisher. (see complaint and response letters).
* Complaint filed with the Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board against Judge Jolene Kopriva. The crux of the complaint was her altering court transcripts to cover for Dr. Nancy Baker’s fraud on the witness stand. The JCB dismissed the complaint without inquiry and never disclosed the audio tapes to prove the record was altered. ( see the complaint , see the JCB docketing statement 98-177, and dismissal letter ). pdf format
* Complaint filed with the Judicial Conduct Board against Judge Hiram Carpenter. The JCB dismissed the complaint after an alleged superficial inquiry while never disclosing the hearing audio tapes that were the evidence to the record tampering. ( see the complaint with appendix titled my story, see the JCB docketing statement 01-115, and canned dismissal letter ). pdf format
* Complaint filed with United States Attorney, Harry Litman, Esq. in the Western Division of Pennsylvania. ( see the complaint, see the response letter ). pdf format
* Complaint filed with the Federal Bureau Of Investigation on January 5, 2006. ( no response )
* Impeachment Petition filed against Judge Hiram Carpenter with the Pennsylvania House of Representatives on February 22, 2001. Forwarded to the House Judiciary Committee for appropriate action. ( see impeachment petition and the House of Representatives parliamentarian responses ).
* Impeachment Petition filed against Judge William Henry with the Pennsylvania House of Representatives on July 1, 2003. Forwarded to the House Judiciary Committee for appropriate action. ( see impeachment petition and the House of Representatives parliamentarian responses ).
* November 28, 2004, letter requesting information about my case from Representative Jerry Stern. ( no response ).
* Complaint filed with the Pennsylvania State Ethics Commission. ( see response letter ).
* Complaint filed with the Pennsylvania State Attorney General, Tom Corbett. ( see complaint and response letter ).
* Complaint filed with Blair County District Attorney, Richard Consiglio on August 13, 2006 ( see complaint, no response ). Could it be Mr. Consiglio can’t investigate the judicial corruption and abuse of a child because he was the custody master that put into motion this crime spree in 1997? See Donald Speice’s memorandum of law regarding the June 23, 1997, hearing before Custody Master Richard Consiglio.